Weaponized Therapy Speak

Weaponized therapy speak

oh i forgot - Colonialism A sly beast.

NVC, Conscious, Somatic, Therapy, Medicine, Religious, Community However you cut it. Whatever era, race, or culture you want to hold to the light, I see the same shit playing out.

We welcome and love this age of subtle, implicit, forms of violent expression.

What we call modern conscious relating - is litered with unacknowledged, Unconscious, Subversive forms of Violence.

Meaning - The desire to control, extract, and silence runs through YOU.

Yes you, the one with the feather hat and especially those who imagine themselves to be on the good side of life. Those who are afriad to imagine - that we are cut from the same cloth, a cloth soaked in the blood of the past.

and so,

We are now violent - in the name of non- violence.

I want you to be honest about the blood on your hands. I want you to bring your violence into the light I don't desire apology I desire Honesty.

We've popularized somatic language. and so - To be regulated is to be respected. To be angry, to have a reaction, is to be silenced by the implicit para-social agreement.

No different than a woman's emotionality being pathologized into hysterics. No different than extreme acts of violence, Placed out of context, is just another silencing of Ancestral Grief.

When will we see -

That rage is the love child of shamed and suffocated grief.

When will we accept that violence is just apart of who we are? When will we connect the dots. When will we see, that we are the violence of the world. You are not the winning side of history, you are history.

In a culture that worships the copacetic social order, Violence become subversive, it goes underground, it becomes implicit, imbedded in the rules of the game.

Marginalized people of this country know this in their bones. It runs so much deeper than an NVC class.

Malcolm X once said -

"Concerning nonviolence, it is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks. We are nonviolent with people who are nonviolent with us.”

Our cultural dynamics will not be solved by somatic regulation But by Instinctual liberation. and I promise It wont be Smooth, soft, reasonable, or simple.

It will be Honest.

My Prayer is

A revolution of Honesty, with expression, with refinement of our instinct. a warming wisdom - to sides of our nature we would rather not admit. To hold others expressions in curious reverence, an ear to the sounds of the silenced, and an eye on the timeless.


Necessary Wounding