Lost our longing

I spend hour upon hour, week after week, year after year, listening to the psychedelic visions of people seeking healing.

I read modern conceptions of "Psychedelic Science" and "Integration" which are of course, useful in their own right.


I worry, I wonder, I feel, I listen, I see.

We are missing the eyes and the ears of our most primordial language. Some in the west would call it psyche, some call it spirit.

Between our fear of indulging in magical thinking, and the fresh wounds of religious vigor, we are imprisoned by a material world. A literal and objective world in which the soul is imprisoned.

People ask me how do I Integrate? How do I hold on to this luminosity? This glimpse of god.

Listen. Listen. Listen.

To your dreams, those mysterious images and visions, let them speak to you. To the river and the sun, the body of the earth. To the pulse of the living spirit of life around you. To the depth of your longing, to the cave you fear to enter, listen, to the whispers of intuition, the things which you know, but cannot be so easily named.

Let them speak. and be courageous enough to listen


Necessary Wounding


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