Through the Eyes of Kambo
Recently I held space for some folks who were brand new to the world of kambo, this gave me an opportunity to really reevaluate what it means to sit with kambo..
How would I explain or approach the container from the perspective of fresh eyes, beginners mind?
I often find the dominate conversation and approach around kambo to be based in the medicinal benefits, this being a "medicine" of the body that happens to come with intense side affects. Once again we plug a western frame into an eastern experience, seldom do we realize the harm we do to ourselves and our souls in the process. I feel quiet the opposite. This is a spiritual experience, not to simply be endured, but one in which the medicine is in fully receiving the experience.
After a very deep process with a close friend of mine new to the medicine, we had a conversation about tribal initiatory rituals and the power of enduring such a process with your peers. The trust, admiration, and mutual respect it can facilitate. Really highlighting How powerful and healing the experience of extreme pain is when held in the context of love, support, and grace induced by the very breast of Pachamama. To be held and supported while you are face to face with the very things you work tirelessly to avoid. To face this not with heroism and self punishment, but to be face to face with the depth of our resistance in deep love. In these moments, when I am sitting for someone who is graced with that opportunity and says yes,
says yes to falling into surrender, there is god right there in the room with you. The air becomes absolutely filled with something that always brings me to tears, it is the moment our humanity touches grace, the grace of surrender, of laying down our weapons, falling into the arms of what is.
This medicine is medicine of soul. and I am so humbled to have been able to carry it's wisdom.